My Hypnotherapy Shop
Take a look at some of the topics for my hypnotherapy.....
They're very interesting.
Quit smoking...permanently.
Are you really committed to giving up the smokes? Can you do it? If you follow my guidance, you really can! When you change your way of thinking through hypnosis, you'll find it easier to change your habits as well. You deserve to be a non-smoker. You were born that way, and smoking is nothing more than a bad habit that you've learned along the way. I can help you un-learn it.
Some facts about smoking:
1. Although nicotine has a stimulating affect on the nervous system, it is classified as a poison.
2. The fact that smoking is harmful to health is an established fact.
3. Anyone can stop smoking. It's an acquired habit, and habits can be conquered.
4. Ex-smokers testify that after giving up smoking they sleep better, no longer suffer from nausia or heartburn, they have no throat irritation, they feel healthier and are less tense.
5. Some people are afraid to stop smoking, thinking they will gain weight. There is no truth in that belief.
I can help you to stop smoking quickly and easily. I do this by getting you to recognise the times when you want to have a cigarette, and showing you how to distract yourself from that thought.
My downloadable audio tracks for stopping smoking will teach you how to reduce your stress levels, and your cravings. You'll learn effective techniques that will allow you to enjoy your life without needing to rely on cigarettes. They've been specially produced to reinforce the things I've suggested to you. You can use this as often as you feel the need.
You will incorporate into your life new patterns of behaviour that will really set you free and give you a fresh, new outlook on things. You'll never look back!
You can hear samples of my hypnotherapy titles here.
Safe, Effective Weight Management
Everyone desires good health. To enjoy better health, you really need to examine your lifestyle habits. These include things like diet, exercise, and your own psychology. If you allow yourself to become a victim of habits which are detrimental to your good health, you'll ultimately need to accept the consequences.
But, there is a way that you can break through all the old habits that have taken you ages to acquire. My hypnosis techniques can show you new ways of thinking about food, and how much of it you eat, your self-image, and the long term prognosis for your own life.
Wouldn't you rather feel healthier, slimmer, and more active? You really can do this, and you'll have a much more comfortable and enjoyable life.
How can I help you?
1. I'll work with you to develop an effective strategy to achieve your desired weight.
2. I'll help you to analyze your eating habits, and re-think what and when you eat.
3. I'll show you ways to go into your brain's own "control room", and how to turn off the need and desire for those unhealthy foods that cause you to gain weight.
4. I'll show you how to plan your weight loss, so that you're not trying to lose large amounts in a very short time.
By losing weight gradually, you will find it much easier to maintain your weight reduction.
5. I'll help you to build your confidence and self-esteem, so that you can accept your new slimmer self.
6. I'll show you how you can increase your desire for healthy food, and make it more desirable than unhealthy food.
You'll be amazed at how easily you'll make healthier choices.
7. I'll show you how to enjoy a moderate level of exercise, which is an important part of any weight reduction or management program.
If you want to manage your weight or know someone else who wants to manage their weight, my excellent and very successful audio program "Fundamental Steps for Weight Loss" will help you to achieve your objective. It's a four part program, and it's available right here on my hypnotherapy shop, as an instant download. It's an important aid to help re-program your old way of thinking. You will incorporate into your life new patterns of behaviour that will really set you free and give you a fresh, new outlook on things. You'll never look back!
You can hear samples of my hypnotherapy titles here.
Say Goodbye to Alcohol - Forever
The first thing you need to realise about drinking alcohol is that it's absolutely, positively not your friend. You might enjoy it, but when it becomes something you need, then you really ought to stop.
You may drink because you think it relaxes you, or maybe your a little lonely, even bored, but if you've sensed that it's starting to interfere with your life, then it's definitely time to call it quits.
You know, there are lots of other things to do apart from drinking alcohol. One of the best things to do is find something else to do that's going to distract you from the thought of having a drink.
Why not make a list of all the things you could be doing that would take your mind off alcohol? You'd be surprised how many there are, no matter what your personal situation is.
Here are some interesting points to think about.
1. Although alcohol may appear to relax you, it doesn't really. You just think it does.
I hear you saying... Aha! That's all that matters! Well, that's true to some extent. But I can change the way you think about alchohol, and if you want to stop drinking, that's what really matters!
2. You're probably looking at this because you recognise you're starting to drink too much, and it's starting to be problematic, or you know someone who's drinking is causing you concern. Either way, I can help.
3. Drinking is simply a habit that can be broken. Just like eating (a habit that prevents weight loss) and smoking, your drinking is a sub-conscious thing that you just haven't paid enough attention to. If you focus on giving it up, you can and you will.
4. Alcohol will get you in the end. One way or another, one day you're going to wish you'd had less of it.
Apart from the fact that it's expensive, it's also very bad for your health. Alcohol kills a lot of people. Please don't be one of them.
5. If you're afraid to stop drinking, I can help you.
6. You need to be prepared to give up alcohol. If you are, I can show you ways of distracting yourself from it, and feeling really good about yourself without it.
7. You'll look and feel better, be healthier, clear headed and you'll also have some spare money that you can spend on something worthwhile.
Just Can't Get to Sleep?
When you're in bed, your body should begin to relax, and your mind should let go of the problems and events of the day. Stop for a moment and think what your mind does when you try to sleep.
Think about all the thoughts that go though your mind. Do you keep going over and things, trying to make sure everything you had on your list for the day is completed? Do you wonder if you've forgotten something?Do you worry about what might happen tomorrow?
If you have trouble sleeping, you probably fall into one of these categories, (when you should be falling into sleep).
The Clock-Watcher
"Oh no! it's 2:30am, and I'm still awake. I'll going to so tired tomorrow. How am I going to get through the day?"
The Dooms-Dayer
"This is hopeless! What a waste of time. I'm completely exhausted. Life is just one problem after another. Now, sleeping is another problem to add to my list".
The Fixer
"I guess I could say that it wasn't really my fault. Maybe if I call Bill, he could help. Then I could go over to the hardware store and pick up the door and....etc.
The Worrier
"What if this happens? What if I'm late? What will Bob do if I can't meet him on time? This is all too much really!"
Sound familiar?
If so, I can show you how to re-program your mental activities so that your mind is calm and peaceful before you go to sleep. When it's time for you to rest, your body and mind will be at ease, and you'll then be able to drift off to sleep, just the way you were meant to.
Your sub-conscious mind will accept my suggestions that you will find it easy to sleep, and that you'll sleep well, waking in the morning feeling refreshed, relaxed and ready to greet a perfect new day.
Dealing With Stress
Do you think that cave-men were stress-free? Of course they weren't. They had every reason to be stressed. It was for their own protection. Stress is a component of the natural "Fight or Flight" response. It's a natural and healthy part of life. We just don't need too much of it.
Too much stress can have a detrimental affect on our lives, and these days, many people are far too stressed for their own good. if you're one of these people, I can help you.
I'll help you to set up a plan to:
1. Reduce or eliminate negative stress in your life.
2. Incorporate new responses to stress.
3. Become a calmer, more effective and healthier person.
4. Protect yourself from outside stressors.
How can I do this?
Using hypnosis, I can help you to "program" a new response to old stimulii. You'll learn new ways of dealing with stressors, so that you can shrug them off effortlessly. You'll wonder why they ever bothered you in the first place.
I will teach you how to relax your entire body quickly and easily. You'll be surprised that you can do this, and it will make a big difference to your life.
I'll give you control over your emotions, because if these are suppressed, then you'll feel that in your body. So, I'll show you effective ways of releasing all those "bottled-up" feelings.
You can hear samples of my hypnotherapy titles here.
Do You Suffer From Depression?
The symptoms of depression can be physical, psychological or emotional. Sufferers may experince these sypmtoms separately or simultaneously. In order to understand depression a little better, here are some interesting points:
Depression can be genetic, or even surface in certain family personality types, so it can run in families.
Grief and loss, or chronic stress can lead to depression. Traumatic events, for example, the loss of job, house, or an injury may lead to depression.
Low self-esteem and low confidence, and even chronic pain can contribute to depression. Alcohol and drug abuse can cause chemical imbalances in the brain, leading to depression.
Similarly, changes to hormone levels, as happens in menopause or child-birth, can trigger depression.
Importantly, chronic levels of negative thinking, can affect brain chemistry. Constantly focussing on painful past events of your life is a common factor in people with depression.
A New Plan For You
I can help you set up a new plan to meet the following objectives:
1. To change your negative thoughts into positive ones.
2. To learn to repond to things differently in your life.
3. To be happier, calmer, more relaxed and heathier.
4. To build a positive outlook for your future, so that your life can be joyful, and you can feel good about yourself and those around you.
Why Shouldn't You Be Confident?
The one thing that most people really want is confidence. Being confident about yourself is a important in many ways. Without it you can esily feel disheartened about things, and lack of confidence can cause you to not do things that you really love doing. Some peoples' confidence levels are so low that they literally stop going out, stop having friends and basically spend their spare time at home alone.
A lot of low confidence is habitual or "learned". Often, it can be a hang-over from one's younger days. So many people have stories about how other people - friends or even family members, undermined their confidence by saying such things as "You'd never be able to do that!" "That's a bit out of your league". "Just be happy as you are, after all, you're never going to make anything of yourself". "Don't be so stupid!"
All these sorts of statements add up to low confidence, and if you take them to heart, as many people do, they can destroy your confidence. You end up believing the untruths.
If you feel you need more confidence, I really can help you. I can explain ways of "re-programming" your own way of thinking about yourself. I'll show you how to turn a negative into a positive. It's really very simple. You just need to know how. Basically, it's a matter of doing what all those people with "good intentions" did, but using positive talk instead of negative. And then instilling it in your brain. They did it. Why can't you do it too, but in a positive way? You can! And you can do it yourself. Anywhere, anytime.
Here's what we'll do.
We'll find lots of reasons why you should be absolutely confident.
I'll teach you how to retrain your mind so that you think positively about yourself and about your life.
You'll learn new ways of relaxing and dealing with stressful siuations.
I'll help you to realise that what you believed about yourself not being good enough simply wasn't true.
You'll find that you can talk yourself into real confidence, and in time, it will become a part of you.
I'll help you to develop a new, positive outlook, so that you'll feel good about yourself and
You can hear samples of my hypnotherapy titles here.
Self-Esteem - You Really Are The Greatest!
Your perceived level of self-worth is probably one of the most important perceptions you'll ever have.
It's what you think about yourself that becomes the real you. If you really see yourself as being un-worthy, there's a real chance that you'll miss many good opportunities, simply because you don't "put yourself out there". Instead, you'll probably stop trying, believing that you're not really good enough anyway.
Well, that's a load of bull! Who say's you're not good enough? Whoever told you that was wrong. (It may even have been your own negative self-talk!).
So that's where I come in. I can help you see yourself in a completely different and positive light.
I can show you why you feel the way you do, and help you get rid of the old baggage that's weighing you down.
I really believe that everyone has a huge amount of potential that's being stifled by their own low self-esteem. So many people go through their whole lives thinking they're just not up to it.
Not you! Not any more. Don't let your old beliefs ruin life for you. You're entitled to feel good about yourself, and I can help you do that.
You might be surprised to know that you can change your mind about your own self-worth very quickly and easily. You don't need to struggle with it. It can happen seemlessly and with virtually no effort. Just a little concentration and perserverance is all you'll need.
So, are you ready to brush off all the bull dust? Are you up to it? I can tell you for sure that you are.
Here's how I know
I know that you believe you're not good enough because you've told yourself that so many times, it's now embedded into your "mind-set"
I know that other people have confirmed that for you for as long as you can remember.
I really am certain that I can change the way you see yourself.
Just like I do with the no-confidence person, I'll help you to realise that what you believed about yourself not being good enough simply wasn't true.
I know you would rather believe you are a worthy person, entitled to feel good about yourself.
I have no doubt at all that I can "undo" the negative self-image and replace it with a positive one.
If you're reaching out for help, I know you are definitely ready to make positive changes in yur life, and the major goal is to iimprove your self esteem not just today, tomorrow or next week, but permanently.
We will accomplish this by re-programming your sub-conscious mind. This can easily be done with hypnosis. It will help you let go of past "nagative" programming and give you a new positive self-image.
You can hear samples of my hypnotherapy titles here.
You really must get around to being motivated
Well, you've probably noticed that it's hard to get fired up about things these days. You've probably being meaning to get around to lots of things, but just haven't got around to them yet, or you really can't be bothered. You tell yourself that you just need some time to get your head sorted out a bit first, then you'll be able to commit to doing all those things.
Wouldn't it be great if a big bag of motivation just fell out of the sky? Your whole life could change then, and you would be so motivated, it would be incredible!
Until it does though, you need to find a way to motivate yourself to do the things you know need doing. What can you do? If there was some sort of 'reward" at the end, do you think you might be prepared to look at it?
OK, well, there is a reward. It's called satisfaction... better self-esteem...more self-confidence and even pride in yourself.
First though, you have to take the first step and actually want to do something about your lack of motivation, and you guessed it, that's where I come in.
I can get you motivated. I'm not like a football coach or a Olympic trainer, but I know what causes you to lack motivation, and it's nothing other than your "mind-set", or your attitude towards yourself and the things around you.
I also know you only have one life, so you'd better start enjoying it, and I can really help you do that.
So, you can put everything else off if you like, but please don't put off buying my downloadable audio products. They're not expensive, but they could change your life for the better, and forever.
It really is time for a pleasant change in your life.
You can hear samples of my hypnotherapy titles here.
Site by Douglas Hamilton +61 0411 636 457